Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Here Fishy Fishy....

Gyotaku printmaking today with 3rd graders was a hit!  They were in awe when they pulled their prints today!!!!!    

We were so busy today doing our printmaking that I didn't get a chance to take pictures of the students in action but here are a few pictures of their pulled prints and some of their backgrounds in-progress.  We will finish these up next week with all of our finishing touches.  I can't wait to show you all the end results!!!

If you get the chance, have your child (3rd grader) tell you about Gyotaku printmaking. 

Questions to ask them: 

-Why did they first make Gyotaku prints?

-What does Gyotaku mean?
-How are they made?
-What was your process for making the background for your fish picture?  

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