Sunday, August 20, 2017

Creative Compassion Enrichment Class

For students in grades 6th-8th, they will have the choice to sign up for enrichment classes that will be on Monday afternoons during the school day.  This year, I will be offering a Creative Compassion Enrichment Class each trimester.  

The goal of the Creative Compassion enrichment is to come up with creative and/or artistic ways to serve the community, from those in convalescent hospitals, children's hospitals, or even selling what we make to then donate that money to a charity organization.  

This first trimester, we will be focusing on making projects that will help those in children's hospitals.  
We are working with Lucille Packard Children's Hospital and they will be the recipients of our creations.  

In order to get started, I am asking if any of you or the businesses that you work for (with permission of course), have any extra 1" three-ring binders (hard or soft) and/or sheet protectors, and/or dry erase markers with attached erasers.  I, of course, will be checking local businesses for donations as well.  

We will be using these materials to put together activity binders for the patients.  They will include a variety of games and activities that can be done in the hospital or hospital room.  This is only one of the projects that I have planned.  

If you have any leads on the donation of these materials, please shoot me an email:  Thanks so much!!!  I am looking forward to working with the students in doing good for our community!

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