Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Dots, Dots, Dots

You would think we were celebrating the illustrator Peter Reynolds, International Dot Day, but we aren't.  3rd graders are getting their backgrounds prepared for a Dia De Los Muertos project.  More pics to come as we get further along. 

It's Getting Spooky in the Art Room

2nd Graders are half-way done with their "Witches and Broomsticks" project.

During the first class period they created the painted and textured backgrounds by dragging plastic texturing tools through the paint.  It's really helping give their artworks a haunting texture.

Today, students painted spider webs and started work on their witches.

We have a lot more work to do until these are completed but I can already tell that they are going to look SPECTACULAR when they are done!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Well, This Just Looks Like Fun....

At Willow Glen Community Center:  September's Neighbor Night event: Color Fest! 

This Friday, September 14th (6:30-8:30)
They will be featuring a color run, slime bar, arts & crafts, and more! Below are the color run times by age group:

Ages 3-5: 6:30pm
Ages 6-8: 6:50pm 
Ages 9+: 7:10pm 

Color Run will take place at the Lincoln Glen Park. 
Parents are welcome to join their children during the run! 

Don't forget to wear all white for the color run! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

6th and 7th Grade Enrichment: 1st Trimester

This year and this trimester for enrichment classes, the 6th and 7th graders are working on projects that will be for our own close-knit community. 

Soon, we will have a small station set up in the front office with small items for anyone that needs them. 

We all have moments or events in our lives where we just need to be reminded that people care. 
We all have moments in our lives when we worry, about our well-being or the well-being of others.  Sometimes we get sick.  Sometimes our family members get sick. 
Sometimes we just need something to physically hold on to, a prayer to read, or something to calm our own anxieties.
This is what this station is about. 

In a month or two, there will be an area to pick up items (free) to keep for yourself or to give to someone that needs it. 

Some of these items include:

-Worry Dolls:

-Guardian Angel Pins:

-Glass cross necklaces:

-Prayer cards:

-Clinging crosses:

Unfinished cross:  Glaze still needs to be added

More information to come.  The students have a lot more work to do but as we are done, we will get the station up and running!!!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Under the Sea....with 1st Grade!

I don't want these projects to leave my room!  There was so much joy in creating these adorable masterpieces and it brings me so much happiness to see them all drying on the tables side-by-side.  I have a feeling these will be treasured at home as well. 

Students had a wonderful time working with modeling clay to make these Under the Sea treasures!

Kindergarten: Lines And Colors And Portraits

Kindergartners have been working hard these past few weeks in Art class and we've learned a lot!

Kinders have learned about different types of lines:  dotted, straight, wavy, curly, and zig-zag.

They have learned the colors of the rainbow.


They have learned how to draw "non-stick" figures.

All of these components were merged into one project and voila...

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

7th Grade 2-point Perspective Cities

Once the 7th grades got rolling on these, they just took off!!!  There really is a rhythm to 2-point perspective and you could tell by the end of the class, that most students really found it.  Beautiful and detailed work, 7th grade!

4th Grade Cacti and Scratchboard Bowls

Scratchboard was a new material for the 4th graders to use.  It was a struggle knowing that they could not erase once a mark was made on the scratchboard.  We did figure out some creative solutions to fix mistakes though. 

The cacti were done with sharpie and watercolor.  They turned out beautifully!

3rd Grade Has Been BzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzY..........

Today we completed our honeycomb and bee project.  It required repeating the honeycomb pattern and doing an observational drawing of a bee.