Thursday, January 31, 2019

Kindergarten: The Colors of Us

A few things were the motivator for this project.  February is the start of black history month and diversity is our school's theme for this trimester.  Teachers just started more training in social and emotional development AND I needed a cool way to explore shapes and colors with all of that combined, lead me to starting this project with Kindergarten today. 

Once student are seated, I will be asking them some questions.  If the answer to the question is yes, then they will stand.  They will sit down after each question. 

Stand up if:

-You have brothers and sisters
-You are the only child
-You wear glasses
-You are six
-You have a dog
-Your eyes are blue

When we are done,  I will ask them if any of these characteristics make you any more important than the other students in class.
What would happen if the world was made of all of the same person?
Who made you?
Does God love all of you?
How are we all alike?
Does if matter is we like or look different than our friends?
Do we make fun of someone if they don't look like us or if they don't like something we do?

I will read "The Colors of Us" by Karen Katz to the students. 

After the book is done, students will begin a small worksheet to get them thinking about how they are alike and different than a tablemate in class. They will color a picture of themselves and then a picture of their friend.  They will have to see what is the same and what is different. 

Next week, we will be reviewing shapes and then we will begin our REAL project based on diversity and all being of the same human race.  (More pics coming soon). 

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