Tuesday, May 23, 2017

To Blog or Not To Blog....That is the Question?

Now is the time to voice your opinion on whether or not the SFC Art blog should continue next year.

It is hard for me to accurately gauge how many people are following (I don't think the blog counter is accurate) or how many people are actually reading it.

If you feel it should continue, please comment below.


The Adams Family said...

We read and enjoy your blog. It's great to see what the students have been up to. Perhaps the blog counter doesn't count those of who use the e-mail updates to read your blog entries.

Please keep on blogging. We look forward to seeing new posts from you.

- Lyle & Teresa Adams
(3B + 6P)

Unknown said...

I enjoy reading your blog a lot and hope it continues!

dkearns72 said...

Definitely continue!!

ejc said...

agree! i have really enjoyed the blog. my kids and i look at it together and they enjoy explaining the projects to me. please keep blogging!