Monday, March 27, 2017

Project Updates: Week of March 27th

4th Grade:

Students are beginning work on s spring themed project that involves drawing a large flower pot with flowers, in pencil and then in sharpie, and then "painting" bleeding tissue paper on top of their drawings.  When they paint on the tissue paper with glue, the moisture of the glue turns the tissue paper almost into watercolor and the color then spreads onto the paper.  We are in the beginning stages of this project.  Here is a glance:

7th Graders:

Students are beginning a project titled, "If Picasso Drew A...."  They must draw a cartoon-inspired character as if Picasso drew it.  The goal is for the viewer to know two things, who their character is and that it was drawn like Picasso.  We studied the style of Picasso when it comes to his style of portraiture.  They are using some of these characteristics to transform their characters.  Sneak peek:

8th Graders:

Favela project is almost complete.  A few students have a few finishing touches to add to their favela piece but here is the almost completed and installed Brazilian Favela.  If you would like a closer look at all of the details, you will find this installation in the Elementary School hallway in the small hallway heading outside by the 5th grade classrooms.  The favelas were made completely out of recycled and found materials.  I just sent these pictures to the artist that we were working with, Mr. Eric Cremers (see past posts for more information about him and his art work) and we are anxiously awaiting his response.

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