Friday, February 23, 2018

4th Grade Chinese New Year Dragons Completed

By far, the process in creating these dragons was the highlight of my year so far.  The students were engaged from start to finish.  To see the previous post on how they created the painted papers for the dragons, go here:  Drawing to Music and Exploring with Paint.

The painted papers were torn into strips and students arranged them around a background paper.  The dragon heads were drawn, outlined in oil pastels (variety of colors), and then watercolored.  These were cut out and attached to the backgrounds.  Fire was made using colored tissue paper.  

I think the final results are SPECTACULAR!  What a way to bring in the Chinese New Year!!   Students learned about Chinese New Year and the symbolism of the dragon in the New Year's celebration.  Hopefully these dragons bring good fortune and good luck into your homes for the upcoming New Year.  

This is a great project to ask your child how they created them.  I guarantee you they will be overjoyed to share with you the process.  I would guess that their favorite part was drawing to music.  I know it was mine, just watching them enjoy the process!

Model Magic Flower Vases

5th graders have been having a blast using model magic to create a variety of 3-dimensional flowers to add to their vases of paper flowers.  It was fun to watch the students find new ways to make flowers and then sharing what the discovered with other students. The students had to add shading to the vases using oil pastels.  They started with a base color and then darkened one side and added white to the other side and then blended the colors together.  

 It is always quiet in the art room when the students get to work with any type of clay.  They are so focused and really enjoy getting to work with 3-dimensional materials.  These will be finished up the week that we return to school.

1st and 2nd Grade Valentine Projects

I had to wait until AFTER Valentine's day to post these pictures as I didn't want to ruin the surprise.  

1st graders have been working so hard on their panda bear Valentine prints.  
Students began by painting red paint on a cookie sheet and then using their finger to draw hearts in the paint.  They placed paper over the paint and pulled the heart prints for their backgrounds

They then made the adorable panda bears and used buttons and fancy papers to create the bow ties/hair bows and then added a pop of glitter to bring out the bear's heart.  

2nd Graders created "I Love You Owls".  They used sharpies and watercolors to create these frame-worthy artworks.  The owls were made out of heart shapes.  Seeing these all hanging in the classroom together was enough to melt my own heart.  

Friday, February 2, 2018


For STEAM day, 5th graders rotated to the Art room to create mathematical skylines.  We watched a video on circles and the number PI and students took notes.  Students then had to make a skyline on graphing paper using the numbers of PI. 

Each table then had to choose a representative to come to the front of the room to participate in a quiz contest.  The winning table won a prize. 

Afterwards students were given two minutes to memorize as many numbers of PI that they could and then we ran outside with chalk and they wrote down what they could remember on the sidewalk.  The student with the most correct numbers won a lollipop...although I should have rewarded them with a slice of pie. 

Creative Compassion Enrichment Update

6th and 7th graders have done so much in such a short period of time! Together they have made over 50 port pillows which will be given to cancer patients.  Port pillows are attached to the seat belt of cancer patients that have a port to prevent rubbing and pulling of the port from the seat belt while they are driving.


They have also made about 40 prayer boxes that will be given to cancer patients as well.  Patients can leave these by their bedside to write down any worries and prayers they have.  Friends and family can also leave prayers and words of encouragement for the cancer patient in this small but special box.

 Next week, we will begin making "clinging crosses."  After they are fired, they will be glazed and given to cancer patients with the attached poem (see below).

I am so so proud of all the good that the students are doing for the community through their art.  Using your talents to do go is a trait that I hope they take with them their whole lives.